Source ENCI
FCI Standard N ° 205 / 27.01.2011
PATRONAGE: Great Britain
Group 5 Spitz and primitive type dogs
Section 5 Asian Spitz and related breeds
Without proof of work
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The Chow's country of origin is China, where it was kept as a guard dog, and also used for hunting. The Chow has been known in China for more than 2,000 years and is akin to the Nordic type Spitz, with something of the mastiff in it. Due to the Chinese policy closed to the rest of the world, the Chows began to appear in other countries only around 1800. They arrived in England towards the end of the 18th century and were not really known in Great Britain until the 1920s, with a certain amount exhibited at Crufts in 1925
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Active dog, compact, with short loins, above all well proportioned, lion-like in appearance, with a dignified and proud bearing. Well structured. The tail is carried clearly on the back. It should always be able to move freely and should not have too much fur that it impedes activity or causes discomfort in hot temperatures. A bluish-black tongue is characteristic
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The distance from the withers to the elbow is equal to the distance from the elbow to the ground.
BEHAVIOR / TEMPERAMENT: Quiet dog, good guardian. Independent, faithful, but detached
Flat and broad skull
Unspoken stop
large and broad, in any case black, except in cream and almost white dogs, for which a lighter colored nose is allowed, and in blue ones and fawn, for which a nose of the same uniform color is allowed than that of the cloak. (but black is preferable anyway)
Muzzle of moderate length, broad from the eyes to the tip (and not pointed like a fox's muzzle). Well full under the eyes
Ideal Lips A completely black mouth, including the palate and lips, with a bluish black tongue. However, the color of the gums may be somewhat diluted in blue or fawn dogs, and may be even more washed out in cream and white dogs.
Jaws / Teeth The teeth are strong and well aligned; the jaws are strong and have a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, ie with the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower ones and implanted perpendicular to the jaws.
Eyes: Dark, oval, of medium size and clean. In blue and fawn dogs, eyes of the color of the coat are allowed. A clear eye, free from entropion, and which must never be penalized for size problems alone.
Ears small, thick, slightly rounded at the tip, carried straight, rigid and well spaced, pointing decidedly forward above the eyes and slightly converging, which gives the dog the characteristic expression of the breed, the "scowl". This expression should never be the result of sagging and creasing of the forehead skin.
NECK Strong, full, not short, set well into the shoulders and slightly arched. Of sufficient length to allow the proud carriage of the head above the topline
Back: Short, horizontal and strong
Strong kidney
Chest broad and deep. Ribs are well sprung, but not barrel shaped
TAIL: Set high and carried well over the back
Shoulders: Muscular and oblique
Elbow: Equidistant between the withers and the ground
Forearm: Forelegs perfectly straight with good bone
Front feet: Small, round, cat-like, resting on the toes
General Appearance: Viewed from the side, the foot is directly under the hip joint
Thigh: well developed
Knee: only slightly angulated
Lower thigh: well developed
Hocks: Hocks well let down. From the hock down the leg is straight, never bending forward
Hind feet small, round, cat-like, resting on the toes
GAIT / MOVEMENT: relatively short stride, with hind feet not raised high, and seem to skim the ground; so that, seen in profile, the movement seems that of a pendulum. His typical short stride motion allows him to move freely, never awkwardly, and with excellent resistance. Front and rear move forward in parallel planes. Dogs should always be able to move freely and well, without any signs of fatigue.
COAT HAIR The coat can be long or short
• long coat: abundant, dense, straight and set back, but not excessively long. The top coat is rough in texture, with soft, woolly undercoat. The hair is particularly dense around the neck where it forms a mane or a collar. It also forms nice "culottes" behind the thighs
• short coat: abundant, dense, straight; it is not flat, but straightens up. The texture is "plush" Any artificial shortening of the hair that modifies the natural silhouette or the expression of the chow-chow will be penalized, except for the feet which can be "adjusted"
COLOR Single-colored coat black, red, blue, fawn, cream or white very often shaded but not piebald or multi-colored (the lower part of the tail and the posterior region of the thighs are frequently lighter).
SIZE Height at the withers Males 48 - 56 Females 46. - 51
DEFECTS: Any deviation from the above must be considered as a defect, which must be penalized according to its severity and the effects on the health and well-being of the dog and on the ability to carry out its traditional job
â–ª Aggressive or overly shy dog
▪ Any dog ​​that clearly demonstrates physical or behavioral abnormalities will be disqualified.
NB Males must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.